FTP Instructions
Email with FTP Login Information
STEP 1: Review email received from Labyrinth
(subject heading - www.yourdomain.com new website information) - sample content below:
-- Web Site Setup Info --
You are receiving this mail because the domain www.yourdomain.com was just created or moved to a new server.
FTP to : www.yourdomain.com
Username : www_yourdomain
Password : p890nt
If this is a new domain, you'll need to make sure that the WHOIS info on your domain points to our nameservers.
Your domain registrar should have given you a control panel URL, username, and password for changing this data.
DNS Servers:
ns.labyrinth.net -
ns2.labyrinth.net -
Our NIC handle is HL429-ORG
Please retain this information for your records.
This message was sent automatically by the webserver at Labyrinth Solutions - please do not reply.
If you have any questions, please call 304-292-7700 or mail support@labs.net.
STEP 2: Install and open CuteFTP